Breakthrough Marriage Prayer

Lord love my mate through me today and love me through them.  Pass your unconditional love through me today so I can be everything I need to be and everything that they need me to be.
I realize that in marriage we often get 80% of what we want and 20% of what we don't particularly care for.  I decide today to focus on the 80% that I like in my mate instead of the 20% that another may have.  I am grateful for my mate today and I am committed to our relationship in spite of any challenges that we have had, or may be having now, or will have in the future.  I will not allow in-laws, family, children, sex, finances, work or church issues drive us apart.  I realize there are seasons to life and relationships alike.  I determine here and now not to allow the cold of winter or the heat of summer or even the fall to keep me from maximizing the spring of new beginnings.    

I choose to be happy today in a special way because I have the power of choice. I will speak my mates language today of talk, touch, time, tenderness, treasure or trinkets.  I'll make numerous deposits into their emotional love bank with joy.  Our  marriage is satisfying and fun.  We play and pray together. When angry, I will count to ten before speaking because every word is a seed.  

I extend and exercise  forgiveness.  I operate on faith not fear, I focus on following through with my covenant commitment and I see uss forty years from now happy, deeper in love and enjoying the fruits of our covenant.  We communicate freely and effectively, other negative opinion of me or my relationship is non of my business and I refuse to allow it to become my reality.  I will believe my beliefs and doubt my doubts.  We make each other's day, we compliment each other daily, we are an exceptional couple, we do not take each other for granted, we are growing closer, and we are blessed to have each other.

It's a wonderful life, 