1. There’s nothing wrong with faking orgasms! True or False
It might seem okay to fake an orgasm — if it makes your partner feel better, what’s the problem? Here’s the problem. First, you’re denying yourself pleasure — that’s a bad habit. Second, if you fake it, you’re giving your partner the wrong impression. The stuff that your significant other thinks is working for you isn’t working. Over time, reinforcing that wrong impression can lead to a not-so-satisfying sex life.2. How many couples climax at the same time?
Less than 15% – If you’re always trying for simultaneous orgasms, stop. For most couples, it’s impossible to control. Trying just adds a level of pointless pressure — and, usually, disappointment. It’s tough to surrender to the moment if you’re gauging your partner and your partner is gauging you. Instead, take turns so you can each give in and fully enjoy yourselves. Look at simultaneous orgasms as nice but rare thing, like seeing a shooting star or winning $5 on a scratch-off ticket.3. Men think more about sex than women
It’s one of those clichés that seems to be true, at least according to research. One recent study found that on average, men think about sex twice as often as women do.Of course, that doesn’t mean that sex isn’t important for women or that they don’t think about it plenty. That same study showed that the average woman thinks about sex 10 times a day.
4. For a good sex life, you should have sex at least:
It doesn’t matter – If you’re preoccupied with how much sex you “should” be having, or how much sex is “normal,” you’re making a mistake. There is no ideal, recommended amount. Stop worrying about how much sex you think everyone else is having and focus on your own relationship. How much sex will keep you both fulfilled? That’s all that matters.5. Cleaning up your bedroom can make for better sex;
Yes it can – We’re not talking about French maid role-play (although if that works for you, great). We’re talking about how our bedrooms tend to become warehouses for junk — unfolded laundry, piles of dusty magazines, and kids’ toys. Getting in the mood for sex means shutting out distractions, and that’s not easy to do if your bedroom is full of nagging reminders of boring, daily life. Stripping down your bedroom to make a more neutral, relaxing space can help6. When it comes to discussing problems in your sex life, 100% honesty is best……
I’m not so sure that’s a good idea – If you’re unhappy with some aspect of your sex life, you must talk about it. But that doesn’t mean you should list every last one of your complaints. Sex is a sensitive topic for everyone — your partner is likely to feel hurt. Try to keep the discussion positive. Emphasize what’s going right — and encouraging more of that — instead of dwelling on what’s wrong. Don’t ever spring a serious discussion about your lack of sexual fulfillment during sex. That’s not going to go well.7. When it comes to sex, men tend to be more visual than women.
Of Course – Another cliché that’s backed up by scientific data. It’s not that women aren’t visual, it’s that they have more avenues to arousal. Men are likely to be turned on most by visual cues. If he really wants to do it with the lights on, or is always pestering you to wear lingerie, you may have biology to thank.
To improve your love life, make a conscious decision to steer clear of stressful topics before and in bed. Yes, those things still need to be discussed, but try — for instance — getting them out of the way in an email exchange during the day.
8. To improve your sex life, connect by talking about your work day each night when you go to bed.
PLEASE DON’T – Many couples don’t have much time alone together during the week. Because of that, the few hours that they do have after work often get eaten up by practical discussions — talking about work, the kids’ upcoming birthday parties, and your budget for the next week. It’s not exactly sexy.To improve your love life, make a conscious decision to steer clear of stressful topics before and in bed. Yes, those things still need to be discussed, but try — for instance — getting them out of the way in an email exchange during the day.
10. When experimenting sexually, you should:
Set some boundaries beforehand -Trying something new in bed? Great. Experimenting sexually will help keep your relationship fresh. Just make clear what your boundaries are beforehand. Some women worry that they’ll seem inflexible and uptight if they start listing stuff they don’t want to do. But setting clear guidelines before you get busy is good. You’ll both feel more comfortable and relaxed, and that can lead to better sex.11. Scheduling sex kills the romance…..
Not really – When it comes to sex, planning gets a bad rap. Sure, at the beginning of a relationship, it’s easy to have lots of spontaneous sex. But as you settle in — especially if you’re also juggling jobs and kids — relying on spontaneity is a mistake. Sex can get shoved aside from the more pressing stuff that makes it into your daily planner.
If planning sex seems unromantic, get over it. Remember: Vacations and days off are fun, and we plan those. What’s wrong with planning sex?
12. If your partner suddenly suggests something unusual in bed, it’s a sign your relationship is in trouble….
Not at all – Sometimes, women can get a little uneasy when partners suggest something new in bed. It can feel like an insult, a sign of dissatisfaction with you.
Try not to look at it that way. Remember that a healthy sex life is always growing and changing. Why go through existence doing the same three things in bed for 60 (or more) years? If you’re not particularly keen on the suggestion, just say so. But perhaps you could suggest something else new that you’d like to try instead.
Remember we can all learn from mistakes, better yet why not learn from the mistakes of others and become better at mastering the bedroom and let that be ONE of your domains.
Where the Queen RULES!
Try not to look at it that way. Remember that a healthy sex life is always growing and changing. Why go through existence doing the same three things in bed for 60 (or more) years? If you’re not particularly keen on the suggestion, just say so. But perhaps you could suggest something else new that you’d like to try instead.
Remember we can all learn from mistakes, better yet why not learn from the mistakes of others and become better at mastering the bedroom and let that be ONE of your domains.
Where the Queen RULES!